Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It has been too long...

Now that school is winding down for thw school year, I find myself with a little extra time on my hands.  This school year has not been the easiest.  I had more challenges than I thought I would.  I learned a lot though, and looking back I am truly grateful for each challenge.  Each one has made me appreciate the people around me and see their strengths even when dealing with their weaknesses. 

Next year I've already taken steps so that I can spend more time teaching MY kids.  I love having other kids in my life, but I feel I need to spend some time with one of my sons in particular next year.  He has one more year of being in the "little kid" classes in our co-op and I want to help him get the skills he needs to be prepared for the big kid classes the year after. 

And my littlest is learning like crazy and I know would like to have more of my time.  He knows all of his letters and sounds and most of his colors. 

One of my goals for the next year is to post more on this blog.  I really enjoy writing and having this outlet is nice.  I'm not promising anything, but I'm going to try...