Monday, September 14, 2009

The Pursuit of Knowledge & Goals

One of the many things I do is teach a physics/science class for the homeschool co-op I'm involved in.  It is a real stretch for me.  I have never thought of myself as good at science, even if I did technically teach a lab at OSU.  I know it goes back to my high school chemistry teacher.  He totally talked over my head and I didn't get anything from the class.  After that class I felt like I couldn't go on.  I also had a geometry teacher like that.  Both experiences had an influence on my decision to homeschool my kids.

But now, I'm teaching other peoples kids!  I want to make sure I inspire them to learn more instead of stunting their growth.  I can't believe I'm teaching 4 different classes this year (ok, two of them are sewing) and NONE of them have one of my 5 kids in them!  I love the classes though.  The kids in them seem to like them too.  But my physics/science class is my biggest challenge but it is also where I'm personally learning the most.  I'm pushing myself and meeting goals.  All the other classes I've taught before.  This one I have to put the most into because there isn't even any curriculum or guide to help.  We are totally doing it on our own.  I really want to do a good job so that I can pass it off to someone else to do next year.  I have more goals to pursue!

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